Under each breed heading are the names and contact details of breeders of recognized breeds of livestock that have rare or minority status in New Zealand and who have requested a listing. Members of the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand can have their name and contact details added by clicking on Add to or Alter Directory and filling in the form. Breeders are responsible for the accuracy of their listings.
To find the listing you are interested in, click on one of the group at right, then use the Page Down key or scroll as required. Some breeders have their own web pages – click on the blue entry after their contact details to view them. |
Camelids Cattle Chinchillas Deer Donkeys |
Goats Horses Pigs Rabbits Sheep |
Chooks Ducks Geese Guinea Fowl Other Poultry |
Caveat emptor: The Rare Breeds Conservation Society advises that it is unable to check the quality of stock held by breeders listed in the Directory and recommends that buyers check any stock themselves before buying. |
If you would like to have your own stud or information webpage(s) on this Website – with a link from your Directory entry (see Associates for the complete list) – please go to the Information page or contact the Webmaster for details and costs. Group webpages/websites are also available for Breed Societies and Associations.